Explore God’s Presence through Equine Assisted Meditation

Cedar Springs Therapeutic Ranch 3128 Slinger Rd, Slinger, WI, United States

RSVP for this exceptional event. Fee: Free will offering. We will spend time relaxing, brushing a horse and guided meditation. We have created a safe environment where you can find peace and personal joy. Emotional support bunnies and goats will be on hand too. Adults only. No experience necessary. Boots or hard shoes required. Indoor […]


A Veteran Social Reminiscing Honor Flight Experiences

Cedar Springs Therapeutic Ranch 3128 Slinger Rd, Slinger, WI, United States

This is a free Veteran Social Reminiscing Honor Flight Experiences. Please RSVP with number of people attending. Feel free to bring family members and friends. The Stars and Stripes Honor Flight will do a short informational presentation followed by personal testimonies, coffee, and meeting other Veterans. All Branches of Service ~ Everyone and all ages […]


Survivors of Domestic Violence ~ Surrounding each other in love

Cedar Springs Therapeutic Ranch 3128 Slinger Rd, Slinger, WI, United States

This free event is for the encouragement of survivors through exploring faith, hope and love with testimonials from the healing jouney. We have created a safe environment where you can experience gentleness and peace. Please RSVP to beth@csranch.org specify number of people coming. Friends invited. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But […]


Survive and Thrive

Cedar Springs Therapeutic Ranch 3128 Slinger Rd, Slinger, WI, United States

Survive and Thrive is an event for women who have survived, or are experiencing, trauma, domestic violence or sexual assault. During our time together we will strengthen ourselves, celebrate our resiliency, and create friendships. Through the support of horses and other animals on our ranch, we will learn about our inner strength and explore how […]

Corn Roast at the ranch

Cedar Springs Therapeutic Ranch 3128 Slinger Rd, Slinger, WI, United States

Corn Roast at the ranch Music Face Painting & Henna Food & Drinks Raffle Prizes Silent Auction Horse Rides and more!!!! 11 AM - 4 PM $10 Fundraising Parking Fee Our mission is to offer opportunities for improving physical and mental health. Funds raised from this event will be directly allocated to our equine and […]